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Pressing For A New Beginning
And Positive Turnaround

It is my pleasure to invite you to a very rewarding 30-day period of seeking the face of the Lord with prayer and fasting from the 1st to 30th of June, 2020.

The month of June is once again around the corner and every year in this ministry (Living Word Revival Ministries), we specially set aside the month of June to seek the face of God in prayer and fasting.

I believe this is a very timely and needed spiritual undertaking especially now that the whole world is undergoing a compulsory lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic. That we need God to bring us out of this requires

At such a time as this, we need to spend quality time in prayer and fasting for personal (and family) protection and preservation and also to restrain Satan's evil agenda that he wants to unleash upon the world. It is a time to turn what the enemy intends for evil around for our own good, as well as praying for the advancement of God's kingdom in our land and throughout the world.

Furthermore, it is also a time of personal spiritual revival, refreshment and restoration. It is a time to deal with specific issues and problems in prayer as we press in for breakthroughs, open doors, higher dimensions and turn-around in our lives.

More than anything else, this is for your own personal edification, protection, turnaround, spiritual upliftment and all-round breakthroughs. The fast will be broken each day in the evening and continued the next day throughout the month.

Who Is It For?
Anyone who is interested is invited to participate - irrespective of denomination or denominational attachment. Every year, we've had people from all over the world participating.

Do you need a spiritual revival for yourself, family or church? Or do you need divine intervention, healing, breakthroughs or open doors in any area? Then come on and let’s seek God’s face together.

How Long Is The Fast And When Do We Break The Fast Each Day?
The fast is a one-month fast starting from the 1st to the 30th of June, 2020.  We break the fast each day in the evening and continue the next day throughout the month.

If you've never done this kind of thing before, give it a go! Before you know it, the month is gone and you would have added a new dimension to your Christian experience.

Even though 6.00pm is the normal time for breaking the fast each day, flexibility is allowed which means you can decide how far you want to go each day.
The three breaking times recommended are 2.00pm4.00pm or 6.00pm each day. You can also have any combination of these breaking times throughout the one month fast. The important thing is to always do your best each day.

So as much as possible I do encourage you to take advantage of this special season of waiting upon the Lord. No one seeks God wholeheartedly like this and ends up empty handed. You'd be glad you participated.

Register Your interest
 If you are interested and would like to participate, let us know so that we can include you in the list of those participating in the fast and be able to send you relevant and useful information relating to the fast. That will include weekly prayer guidelines throughout the month of June.

The first fasting information and guideline will be sent out to participants in the last week of the month of May.

Prayer Support From Fellow Participants
If you are participating, you will have the opportunity to submit three of your key prayer points concerning which you want other participants in the fast to join their faith with you.

You will also be sent key prayer points from other participants so you can join your faith with them as well, as we wait on the Lord. This has proven very effective in previous years.

Send your email indicating your willingness to participate to  junefast2020@lwrm.org.uk

Please make sure you include your name and correct email address.


May you be richly blessed as you participate in this life-enriching and destiny-shaping exercise of seeking the face of God.

Yours for the journey, 
Pastor Vincent Imwensi


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