Reviving The World With The Living Word
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For Non-English Users:

This programme will enable you to read through the entire Bible 11/2 times in a year. If you follow it, you will read through the Old Testament once and twice through the New Testament in one year.

With the help of our online language translator, (see the left panel), our Read through the bible programme can be translated into a variety of languages. So translate into your language and print a copy.

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Month and
Tick here
as you read
May - 01
1 Samuel - 19 to 21 1 Romans - 4  
May - 02
Samuel - 22 to 24 Romans - 5  
May - 03
1 Samuel - 25 to 27 Romans - 6  
May - 05
1 Samuel - 28 to 29 Romans - 7  
May - 06
1 Samuel - 30 to 31 Romans - 8  
May - 06
2 Samuel - 1 to 2 Romans - 9  
May - 07
2 Samuel - 3 to 5 Romans - 10  
May - 08
2 Samuel - 6 to 8 Romans - 11  
May - 09
2 Samuel - 9 to 11 Romans - 12  
May - 10
2 Samuel - 12 to 14 Romans - 13  
May - 11
2 Samuel - 15 to 16 Romans - 14  
May - 12
2 Samuel - 17 to 18 Romans - 15  
May - 13
2 Samuel - 19 to 21 Romans - 16  
May - 14
2 Samuel - 22 to 24 1 Corinthians -1  
May - 15
1 Kings - 1 to 2 1 Corinthians - 2  
May - 16
1 Kings - 3 to 5 1 Corinthians - 3  
May - 17
1 Kings - 6 to 7 1 Corinthians - 4  
May - 18
1 Kings - 8 to 9 1 Corinthians - 5  
May - 19
1 Kings - 10 to 12 1 Corinthians - 6  
May - 20
1 Kings - 13 to 14 1 Corinthians - 7  
May - 21
1 Kings - 15 to 17 1 Corinthians - 8  
May - 22
1 Kings - 18 to 19 1 Corinthians - 9  
May - 23
1 Kings - 20 to 21 1 Corinthians - 10  
May - 24
1 Kings - 22 and
2Kings 1 to 2
1 Corinthians - 11  
May - 25
2 Kings - 3 to 5 1 Corinthians - 12  
May - 26
2 Kings - 6 to 8 1 Corinthians - 13  
May - 27
2 Kings - 9 to 11 1 Corinthians - 14  
May - 28
2 Kings - 12 to 14 1 Corinthians - 15  
May - 29
2 Kings - 15 to 17 1 Corinthians - 16  
May - 30
2 Kings - 18 to 20 2 Corinthians - 1  
May - 31
2 Kings - 21 to 23 2 Corinthians - 2  

For Best Results:

  1. Tick against each day as you read
  2. Take time to meditate on what you have read
  3. Jot down the key things that God ministers to you each day (so get yourself a notebook or Diary for this purpose).
  4. Remember to always pray for illumination and understanding each time you open God's word.
  5. Realize that personal discipline is an essential ingredient to achieving your goal.

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