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Pastor Vincent ImwensiRev. Vincent Imwensi is a revivalist and the founder of Living Word Revival Ministries based in London, U.K. He is also the senior pastor of the church arm of the ministry (OpenDoor Revival Church}.

He is a man of God ordained and anointed to preach and teach the uncompromising word of God with passion and zeal. He ministers the living word of God with depths of wisdom and understanding that never leaves his hearers the same.

He is a dedicated and disciplined servant of God. Not only is he passionate about reaching the unsaved with the gospel, he is particularly burdened to see that believers are solidly rooted in Christ, fervent, and living a productive, fulfilling and victorious life to God’s glory.

He is a visionary and dynamic leader who believes that everybody has a potential and has something to offer. His inspiring messages challenge people to do and be their best at all times. Through his anointed preaching and teachings, many lives have been and are still being touched, blessed and changed to the glory of God.

He is a man of the Spirit and to him, it is the power of God that makes the difference.

He is married to sister Elsie and they’re blessed with three children.


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